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Work towards eliminating discrimination. Community projects, educational outreach (to raise awareness about bullying and discrimination in schools and hate crime among young people),  social research (Barriers of Poverty and Inequality on local African, Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic groups), support and advice services for victims of discrimination. (e.g energy savings).


Telephone 01315560441

Council of British Pakistanis (Scotland)

Charitable grassroots organisation for ethnic minority communities across Scotland. We work with institutions that have a dual function as employers and service providers to develop and adapt policies and procedures to encourage employment of ethnic minorities in the mainstream and improve service provision to them.


Telephone 01315579262

Specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for BME, asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+). Services include: Counselling, Complementary Therapies, Practical and Emotional Support, Groupwork, Outreach Work, Counselling, Learning Centre, Gardening Project, Childcare to ensure women’s access.


Telephone 01315569302

Health in Mind is a charity promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in Scotland. We offer a range of services across Edinburgh, the Lothians and the Borders and run the national Trauma Counselling Line Scotland.


Telephone 01312258508

Registered Social Landlord providing 185 high quality affordable rented flats in central Edinburgh under tenant control. Vacancies are advertised on the Key to Choice website, We welcome applications from people from ethnic minorities and have had good equal opportunities policies for over 35 years.



Telephone 01312296176

National housing, support and care provider, offering a range of accommodation and support services (over 2,500 households in Scotland). Committed to Equality of Opportunity for all in access to its and services and Employment Opportunities, through policies, action plans, and partnerships with strategic and voluntary organisations.



Telephone 01314444950

Free courses in Raja Yoga Meditation, Positive Thinking, Self Esteem which explore ways of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. Opening times: Weekdays 10.00am-8.00pm and weekends 2.30pm-6.00pm Please ring/email before coming. Otherwise by appointment.


Telephone 01312297220

Community based organization for Tanzanians and their Associates who live (or have been living) in Scotland, especially Edinburgh and its surrounding areas. The association’s mission is to become The Centre for Excellence as a community-based focal point for all Tanzania related interests in Scotland



Telephone 01315576331

Importing and trading member of the British Association for Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers. Provision of sustainable income for Palestinian producers of crafts and foods. Defense of dignity and a culture under threat. Day to day we sell, speak, advocate, participate in Fair Trade and solidarity events.



Telephone 01312251922

Set up in 1976 and currently has 1500 members from the restaurant trade and professional occupations. The Samity successfully lobbied for a Bangladesh Consul in Edinburgh. Organises community gatherings.


Freephone helpline for lone parents and agencies working with them on a range of issues: benefit/tax credit entitlement, housing options, childcare, maternity, child maintenance, legal issues, education, return to employment. We provide single fathers’ groups flexible childcare services, and family support.


Telephone 08088010323

Families Need Fathers Scotland provides information and support to parents and other family members who face problems in seeing their children after separation. Monthly support groups meet across Scotland. We believe children need both parents in their lives and promote shared parenting.


Telephone 01315572440

Partnership (Sacro, Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council, Multicultural Family Base). Support to all individuals and families experiencing difficult relationships with their community because of cultural/individual practices (dressing, marriage, education, children, honour). Free and confidential support: 1-1 practical and emotional support, family support, mediation, advocacy, restorative practices.


Telephone 01316227500

Support to BME carers to access supports and services appropriate to their caring situation. Development of a strategic response to identified gaps in service provision. Assistance to service providers in the development of culturally competent services. Development of opportunities for the active involvement of BME carers in consultation planning.



Telephone 01314672994

Edinburgh’s Festival of Ireland’s objects are the advancement of Irish arts, heritage and culture and of community development (community cohesion, information resource to help local people with Irish ancestry and more recent arrivals tackle feelings of isolation, loneliness or disadvantage).



Telephone 01316617569

Information and advice to members on practical, societal and ethical issues relating to refugees and asylum seekers: humanitarian and advocacy efforts, integration projects, coordination of joint initiatives; challenge of rhetoric in politics and media, develop stronger ecumenical relations amongst churches, long-term strategy for the engagement of Scottish faith communities.


Telephone 07341478174

Independent Advocacy safeguards people who are vulnerable and discriminated against or whom services find difficult to serve, by providing a strong national voice for independent advocacy organisations, supporting the growth of the existing organisations and encouraging their independence, and promoting the development of new ones.


Telephone 01315241975

DIWC addresses the needs of women, with an emphasis on those from BME communities: we work to promote and create learning opportunities for women to gain the confidence, life skills, education and employability skills to participate better in social, educational, political and economic life”


Telephone 01382462058

Shelter Scotland is an independent housing and homelessness charity working to help anyone who needs help with housing, homeless, money and debt, benefits advice.  We also advocate on people’s behalf to ensure that they don’t have to deal with these things alone.


Telephone 03445151562

Local community organisation at the forefront of cultural integration in Dundee.  It provides a wide range of services to the people of Dundee, with a particular focus on black and minority ethnic (BME) communities.  Areas: education, leisure


Telephone 01382220023

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