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Information or advice. Provision of activities to bring communities together: ESOL Classes,Women’s Group, Men’s Group, Community Choir and Garden Club, community social events coinciding with national events (e.g International Women’s Day, Refugee Festival Scotland). Facebook: maryhillintegrationnetwork - Twitter: @Maryhill_IN



Telephone 01419469106

Unique public greenspace and community development organisation. Promotion of sanctuary, peace and community cohesion, increasing understanding between people of all cultures, faiths and backgrounds. Place of inspiration, celebration, learning and participation. Varied programme of workshops, events, activities and volunteering opportunities. Facebook: thehiddengardensglasgow - Twitter: hidden_gardens



Telephone 01414332722

Community-based organisation working with and for all the diverse communities of the Greater Govan area. We deliver a whole range of services, from a Home Work club at our community flat to destitution support at our main office.



Telephone 01414453718

Garnethill Multicultural Community Centre is community facility for the people of Garnethill and beyond. The Centre provides space for a wide variety of Community and charitable activities.


Telephone 01413329765

Advocacy, support and signposting from the office base; Dry food store cupboard for people who are destitute; Drop -in with activities and a cultural meal; Women’s group -monthly; Opening times: Monday to Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm



Telephone 01414180241

Strategic national infrastructure organisation aiming to empower Ethnic and Cultural Minority Third Sector and its diverse communities. Promotion of inclusion, democratic active citizenship, recognition of diversity, human rights education, and wider representation, as well as advocacy at local, Scottish, UK and EU levels. Facebook: bemisscotland - Twitter: @bemis_scotland



Telephone 01415488047

Sports programmes (badminton, cricket, football, basketball) and life coaching for young people, mainly but not exclusively, from an Asian background. We also offer personal and Social development courses, employment and education opportunities, physical education programmes for adult. Opening times: evenings and week ends.



Telephone 07791896634

Social enterprise working with marginalised people to help them overcome the barriers to integration, helping with wealth creation and supporting the implementation of ideas. Support to individuals, communities, and organisations to develop skills, systems, and services to start and maintain businesses, projects and increase employability.


Telephone 01412582773

Scotland’s agency for the exploration and promotion of Chinese culture, for schools, community organisations, public institutions, the Chinese community and arts audiences. Lively and innovative programme of exhibitions, film, residencies, engagement projects, festivals, symposia and events which explore Chinese arts and culture in Scotland.Facebook: RicefieldArts - Twitter: ricefieldarts



Telephone 01412020779

Workers’ co-operative and a social enterprise committed to diversity and anti-racism. Films, animations, websites and social media campaigns for the Third Sector and the public sector. Training to equip people to get the most out of mainstream media. Facebook: themediacoop - Twitter: @mediaco_op



Telephone 01415519813

Radio station serving the Asian and African community since 1997, delivering entertainment, community information, local, national and international news broadcasting in several languages. It provides organisations a platform to deliver their aims and objectives, and individuals to express their needs and desires.



Telephone 01414206666

Independent organisation advocating for Palestinians’ rights to self-determination, the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, the Israeli withdrawal from all territories illegally occupied, including East Jerusalem, the development educational, social and cultural links between the Scottish and Palestinian peoples.



Telephone 01416378046

Support of adults with a disability. Work across all settings; community/care and hospital settings and HMP Barlinnie. Free and confidential issue-based advocacy services. Independent of social work, NHS and other agencies. Also 3rd Party Reporting Centre for Hate Crime. Business hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm.



Telephone 01414200916

Scottish-wide BME and refugee-led charity offering advice, information and support to new migrants, refugees and minority ethnic communities facing poverty, homelessness, racism or poor housing. We also support human rights and anti-racist campaigns. We offer training, consultancy and best practice guidance to Registered Social Landlords, local authorities, NGOs and minority groups.



Telephone 01413532220

Comprehensive debt counselling and money advice service (income maximisation for welfare and in-work benefits including tribunal representation, debt issues and financial capability e.g. budgeting advice etc, and energy awareness); Assistance to other advice giving agencies in Glasgow in their attempts to relieve poverty.



Telephone 01414455221

OISC registered (Level 1) for immigration advice, provided at an immigration clinic every Monday afternoon by appointment only. Training and mentoring of volunteers from BME communities, including refugees and asylum seekers to become volunteer advisers in the CAB. Outreach advice clinics in partnership with other Equality Organisations.

Appointment: 07551904892



Telephone 01415765103

Work in partnership with men from communities potentially affected by Female Genital Mutilation to raise awareness and prevent the practice of FGM. Activities include Training of Trainers who will campaign against FGM among their communities or their countries of origin, awareness-raising seminars, and one to one support.


Telephone 01412582773

Confidential advice and information to the people who need it. The service is volunteer led, and will support anybody who lives and works in Scotland. We offer support by telephone, web chat, email, online, Facebook and Twitter. All of our services are entirely free at the point of use.


Telephone 08088009060

Part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, the largest independent humanitarian network in the world. Support asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland. Services include orientation, welcome guides, tracing and message service and the production of an integration newspaper - New Voices.


Telephone 01413319327

Free and independent advice and information telephone and online service. Member of Citizens Advice Scotland, but independent and autonomous.  Advice covers various issues like benefits, debt, employment, housing, tax and consumer rights, in a professional and non-judgemental manner. Fully delivered by volunteers, receiving support, training and employment opportunities.


Telephone 01415535550

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