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Support and awareness raising activities for inclusive communities. We’d like to ensure people are educated about the specific needs of refugees, displaced people, asylum seekers and economic migrants and, as a result, have more positive attitudes towards them.


Telephone 01557870646

Support to social inclusion, communities’ integration, race equality and equal opportunity the removal of barriers to DAGCAS’ services, engagement and awareness activities with minority communities, translation and interpretation service, representations at courts and tribunals, and improved understanding of workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities.



Telephone 03003034321

SDS provides practical and emotional support to individuals in immigration detention. We work with people in detention to show solidarity, promote access to justice and increase political empowerment. We campaign against the increasingly hostile environment for migrants in the UK, and to protect the rights of those affected by these violent policies. We campaign to stop deportations through direct-action campaigns, social media campaigns and advocating for those threatened by deportation.


Telephone 07438 407 570

At Ubuntu Women Shelter (UWS), we support Black and Minoritised women going through the immigration and asylum systems who have no recourse to public funds. We prioritise our women and they are the driving force behind all of our projects and strategic decision-making. As an accommodation provider, we are focused on fighting destitution as well as providing holistic and specialist services to the women we support.


Telephone 07835162274

We provide rooms in shared accommodation, studios, one and two bedroom flats in the West London area (Ealing/Acton)

Most of our current tenants in shared accommodation are refugees.

We provide support with Universal Credit applications for all our tenants.


Telephone 07769586025

Service is for anyone whose first language is not English and who wish to use Aberdeen City Council services. In addition to spoken language translation, the service also co-ordinates the provision of sign language interpretation, Guide communicator, transcription into Braille and Audiotape across the Council.


Telephone 01224523542

Casework; Counselling; Interpreting & Translation; Training & Research; Language Cafes; Anne Frank Awards; Forums & Networks; Community Engagement; Equality & Diversity


Telephone 01224595505

Providing economic, social and cultural partnership between the Romanian community in Scotland, Scottish and Romanian authorities. Information and support for people of Romanian origin towards their integration in the civil life. Promoting a positive image of Romania, including through arts and culture.



Telephone 01224311915

Helps Polish people in Aberdeen integrate, network, find new friends and get involved in local community life. The Association runs social and cultural events, educational activities. Opening times:  Tuesday: 12:00 - 13:00; Friday: 18:00 - 19:30, Saturday: 10:00 - 11:30



Commited Ending Abuse (CEA)

Support to anyone experiencing domestic abuse (on-going or past). Confidential service: emotional support, support during crisis, helping with clients’ and children’s safety, advice and information about domestic violence, legal procedures, coping strategies, safety methods, etc, facilitation of decision-making, support with accommodation, benefits. Training of partner agencies.



Telephone 01324635661

Charity committed to eliminating discrimination and harassment surrounding the nine protected characteristics (Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex & Sexual orientation) as set out by the Equality Act 2010. Facebook: CSREC01 - Twitter: CSREC01


Telephone 01324610950

Emotional and practical support, information and advocacy for BME women, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse, including forced marriage and ‘Honour’-based abuse. We also provide and/or facilitate training, consultation and awareness-raising for statutory, voluntary & community organisations. Facebook: ShaktiWomensAid - Twitter: shaktiedinburgh



Telephone 01314752399

Set up at the end of 2005 by a group of Muslim women who found a lack of social activities for Muslim Women in Edinburgh. Entirely run by volunteers, working with women and their families in Edinburgh and the Lothians to build a stronger community through education and social activities.



Telephone 07429660723

Support, practical and emotional for women and young people experiencing domestic abuse. Refuge and outreach services.



Telephone 01313158110

Initiative designed for use by public and private organisations to overcome barriers to information and services faced by those who speak little or no English. Member organisations use the logo to tell service users that language/communication assistance may be provided free of charge. Regular office hours (9.00am - 5.00pm)



Telephone 01314444951

Objective: To develop provisions for Older People from Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Mauritian Communities to meet their social, cultural, recreational, language and care needs, which allows ‘our elderly to age with dignity’ - through social activities, educational opportunities about access to services and reducing social exclusion.



Telephone 01314752307

Trauma Counselling Line Scotland is a telephone counselling service for people from BME communities who have experienced abuse in childhood.



Telephone 01312258508

Support (peer to peer, raising awareness) for men and women from BME communities, who are experiencing poor mental health and wellbeing, feelings of stress or isolation, through improved access to local community groups, activities and organisations, a greater sense of belonging within their local community.



Telephone 01312258508

Services to people suffering in any way due to pregnancy or childbirth: Long-term counselling; Fast-track counselling (only for people with immediate concerns); Provision of free baby clothes and equipment (Referral from a trusted agency required for initial access). Opening hours: 9.30am-3.30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.



Telephone 01315572060

Minority Ethnic Health Inclusion Service (MEHIS)

The MEHIS aims to improve the health and wellbeing of BME, Refugee and Asylum Seeker communitiesby adressing health inequalities and promoting race equality in health service planning and provision. Services include a Link worker and an Advocacy service.



Telephone 01315369544

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