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Since 2008 we have been promoting social and racial integration , reducing isolation and building confidence among disadvantaged multi ethenic communities in Glasgow


Telephone 01415488629

Community development organisation combatting racism, discrimination, and disadvantage experienced by migrant Roma communities, and working towards the advancement of citizenship of Roma communities by involving them, especially youth, in decision-making processes, creating a sense of ownership, and increasing participation in community activities.


Telephone 07470145625

Community-based support activities/ services: information and advice (e.g. Citizens’ Advice outreach for refugees), health services (e.g. access to smoking cessation), education services (e.g. ESOL classes), leisure opportunities, a community cafe and nearly new shop, training on working with the BME community. Close artnership with organisations (e.g SRC, Bridges Programmes)


Telephone 01417743344

Holistic support through a variety of in-house services to ensure that young people, especially those deemed “hard to reach”, at risk of social exclusion and on the fringes of society, have maximum and effective individual support. Staff experienced with cultural diversity and specific needs.


Telephone 01414206600

The Saffron Project provides Housing Support to young BME people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Support can be provided in their current tenancy or in Saffron temporary furnished flats.


Telephone 01414221112

Befriending upport to families with young children in local communities across the South of Glasgow. We recruit and train volunteers willing to give up a few hours a week to provide support and friendship. Families can be referred by statutory and non-statutory services; self-referrals are also welcome.



Telephone 01415708735

Befriending support to families with young children in local communities across the whole of north Glasgow. We recruit and train volunteers willing to give up a few hours a week to provide support and friendship. Families can be referred by statutory and non-statutory services; self-referrals are also welcome.


Telephone 01419480441

Support of vulnerable and disadvantaged adults and children. Specific workers to support asylum seekers and refugees. 1 to 1 support, English classes, ESOL tests, meals, community events and more to meet emotional, spiritual, physical and mental needs as we build relationships with individuals and families.


Telephone 01412212630

Respite Care Service (Family Based) and Respite Sitter Service (Home Based) in order to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of our clients, support families through difficulties and stressful times such as addiction, stress, crisis or isolation, ensure vulnerable children and young people feel supported and safe.


Telephone 01415732900

Organisation of parents, families and carers supporting parents in enabling their deaf child to maximise skills, abilities and potential. Information on all aspects of childhood deafness, practical support, advice, advocacy and campaigns to overcome barriers. Sports, art and activity events. Services based on the principle of informed choice.



Telephone 01413547850

Migrant-led organisation aiming to strengthen the voice, representation and participation of migrants in the media and at a public level to encourage an inclusive debate and society, in order to combat xenophobia, hostility, and build greater public understanding. Media training and opportunities for migrants to speak in the media.


Telephone 07467299335

Holistic service to multi-cultural communities, with Christian love & compassion. Information and advice drop-in, specialist surgeries, skills development groups (IT, job search, crafts, women English classes), cross-cultural awareness workshops, parenting & mother/carer pre-school groups. Opening times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - 9.30am-12.30pm and 1pm-4pm; Tuesday & Friday - 9.30am to 12.30pm


Telephone 01414244523

respectme works with adults across Scotland who have a role to play in the lives of children and young people. We provide anti-bullying policy and practice guidance and free adult training programmes to build capacity, confidence and competence to respond to bullying behaviour.


Telephone 01415301044

Independent charity overseen by a voluntary board of directors, providing advice to meet the ever-increasing needs of the community, in terms of poverty and money advice, in a more challenging environment: Easier access to credit with hefty interest charges, the Welfare Reform Act, the disintegration of the discretionary social fund.


Telephone 01419442612

DP aims to provide a safe environment for asylum seekers and refugees where they can find friendship, food and practical help.


Telephone 07421352829

Immigration advice (registered with the OISC) , social activities: ESOL , Maths and Sewing classes. We also run satellites projects , such as a Women Only Project and a Family Day



Telephone 01204397152

Tailor-made, personal support to almost 1000 people from ethnic minority communities per year in a large number of areas: education, training, benefits, money problems, housing, immigration issues, health & care, Third Sector support and development, etc. Facebook: Minority Communities Hub - Twitter: PKAVScharity



Telephone 01738567076

Information direct support for carers. Our BME Carer Support Worker’s role is to identify and engage with BME Carers and support them to access available services.  This includes: information about new initiatives, policies and legislation, individual and group support, translation, negotiation and mediation, form filling and access to benefits/grants.



Telephone 01698428090

Legal advice, representation and support to women and children asylum seekers, refugees, victims of trafficking and those with limited immigration status who have experienced domestic abuse or other violence within the UK. Referrals for help with related issues such as housing, financial support, counselling, and preventing violence.



Telephone 01413533354

Provide safe temporary refuge accommodation and outreach support services primarily to Asian, black and minority ethnic women, children and young people who are experiencing domestic abuse, forced marriage and honour based violence.



Telephone 01413530859