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Glasgow Psychological Trauma Service NHS GG&C

Psychological interventions for clients with moderate to severe mental health difficulties stemming from a history of trauma. Multidisciplinary team providing group and individual treatments that will lessen Complex Post traumatic Stress Disorder. Referrals by GP, or caseworkers, social worker, mid wives etc. No self referrals. Advice and signposting.


Telephone 01413038968

Compass is dedicated to building the capacity of mental health services to provide culturally-sensitive healthcare for asylum seekers and refugees, through advice and consultation to primary and secondary care health services, direct therapeutic interventions, collaboration with other agencies, and policy advocacy work.


Telephone 01413038968

Located in the heart of Glasgow City Centre, Katani & Co Solicitors have a team of solicitors who are able to provide you with a professional and reliable legal service that best suits your needs.


Telephone 01412217788

Full immigration and asylum service. Welfare rights service for disabled clients and others facing benefit appeals.


Telephone 01412582760

Scottish Detainee Visitors provides social, emotional and practical support to asylum and immigration detainees in Scotland, specifically through visits in Dungavel Removal Centre on Monday and Thursday evenings. We aim to relieve the conditions of isolation and stress experienced by people detained. Facebook: SDVisitors - Twitter: @SDVisitors


Telephone 01412489799

The Network aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, members of civil society organisations and policymakers who address human rights issues, through support to interdisciplinary research collaboration, interdisciplinary teaching in human rights, knowledge exchange, and a public forum for lectures, debates, and other activities. Twitter: glasgowhumrts


Telephone 01413302000

Registered Social Landlord initially housing people in need from the Jewish Community, now providing access to housing for all. Our range of properties including mainstream flats and houses, amenity flats, sheltered flats and sheltered flats with meals provided.


Telephone 01416201890

Social enterprise tackling homelessness. Free food & gateway to other services: signposting, advice, advocacy on behalf of people that come in for food including asylum seekers and refugees. Wellbeing opportunities, training and support towards gaining qualifications or employment. Networking events for organisations. Other projects.


Telephone 01412377880

RNIB You Care - Eye Care Project

Information for Black Africans aged 18 and upwards living with sight loss, to better manage their eye condition, their general health and wellbeing, increase their support networks, develop confidence and independence. One to one practical support and access to peer support. Awareness raising within Black African communities.


Telephone 01416488480


Helping adults and children who has Downs Syndrom from all communities


Telephone 01414332929

Inclusive community project providing programmes and activities to tackles issues affecting health and well being, education and employability within the local area. We work within the local community targeting vulnerable families and individuals which includes refugees and asylum seekers.


Telephone 01415581011

Charity dedicated to meeting the welfare needs of Scotland’s Jewish community. Provision of a range of professional social work and social care services and working together with the Social Care Agency volunteers we are dedicated to tailoring our services to the needs of each individual.


Telephone 01416201800

Only Reform Synagogue in Scotland. We aim to provide a place where Judaism is kept alive, cherished, studied and explored to find ways in which it can bring meaning to the lives of its members. Over 260 members, and activities for all ages and interests.


Telephone 01416394083

Specialised, long-term guidance and support to asylum seekers and refugees with teaching qualifications and/or experience for job search, professional re-qualification and entry/re-entry into Higher Education. We will offer advice, a Teacher Education Course and assist with voluntary placements in Scottish Schools.


Telephone 01419503673

Support of BME Communities for access to employment and career progression in chosen field, addressing the under-representation of BME Communities in Housing and related areas. Structured traineeships in collaboration with Registered Social Landlords and Local Authorities in Scotland. Leadership Programme; Graduate Fast Track Programme for Social Work students.



Telephone 01413329477

Free adult learning programmes and services to help adults to develop literacies - reading, writing, spelling, filling in forms, computing and the use of numbers. ESOL literacies classes. Additional services, advertised online. Facebook: Auldhouse Community Church (Foodbank)


Telephone 01416292747

Award-winning unique public greenspace for relaxation, and promoting understanding between people of all cultures, faiths and backgrounds. Place of learning and exchange ; a place where people can come together and share stories, skills and histories. Various events and activities.


Telephone 01414332722

LISA aim is to bring Lithuanians living in Scotland together, to reduce isolation, provide information and assistance in various spheres of life, to propagate Lithuanian traditions and culture, to help to integrate into the local society.


Telephone 07725758099

Charity fostering mutual understanding and interfaith friendship through initiatives addressing issues such as poverty, social isolation and discrimination: Weekend Club project for refugees, asylum seekers and new migrants, community meals, festival exchange events, Scriptural Reasoning dialogue and supporting a food justice network. Facebook: interfaithglasgow - Twitter: @interfaithGlasg


Telephone 01415580778

Two days a week: a drop-in, a shop, classes (basic IT skills, Sewing and ESOL classes). Services (Internet access , creche). Discussion groups (parent-toddler; craft group, men). In-house housing welfare rights officer. Hosting of a food co-operative. Support against destitution and through asylum process. Signposting to other services.


Telephone 01415581809

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