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National rape crisis helpline for anyone affected by sexual violence, no matter when or how it happened. Free and confidential initial and crisis support and information, and signposting. Opening times: Helpline open 6pm - midnight every evening, Office hours 9.30am-5.00pm Monday - Friday. Facebook: rapecrisisscotland - Twitter: rapecrisisscot


Telephone 08088010302

No Borders organization offering practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland, including detainees in UK Detention Centres. Information sharing and training about the asylum process so people undergoing the immigration system can be better informed about it and know their rights.


Telephone 01414277992

Information and advice to people seeking asylum and refugees in Scotland. Campaign for political change, raising awareness about issues that affect refugees; work with local communities and organisations. Face-to-face services by appointment only. Monday-Friday 9am-5pm except Wednesday (1-5pm)


Telephone 01412237979

Scottish Asylum Seekers Residents Association (SASRA)

Group of current and former residents in asylum seekers accomodation from different hot spots of the globe, which promotes the interests of all residents living in asylum seekers’ housing,  helps them raise issues; and helps the service provider understand residents’ needs and make improvements to housing and services.


Telephone 01412582773

WSREC is governed and run by minority ethnic communities, and aims to eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, promote human rights and good relations between all communities. Projects address service needs and gaps amongst BME communities in the West of Scotland. Facebook: wsrec123 - Twitter: wsrec



Telephone 01413376627

Day care facilities for older people. Provision of transport, health care, counselling, advice and advocacy, swimming lessons, sewing workshops, English classes, yoga, light dance exercises, massage therapy and more. Open to all ethnic groups. Opening times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9.00am - 4.00pm. .



Telephone 01413320482

Legal advice and represention for the BME community on topics like immigration, asylum, nationality, Human Rights, discrimination, employment and criminal injuries compensation. Partnership with agencies directly on casework and through training on legal education and cultural awareness raising.



Telephone 01412042888

HIV and Hepatitis C don’t discriminate. And we all have sexual health. That’s why our services are as diverse as the people we support.

Whether you are living with, or affected by these conditions, no one should face HIV or Hepatitis C alone. Our many services, offered throughout Scotland, incorporate support groups, one-to-one mentoring, social outings, education sessions and workshops to name just a few.


Telephone 01413322520

National third sector organisation with strategic role in improving the health & wellbeing of diverse BME Communities, through shaping local service response, and national priorities. Provision of ulturally competent and sensitive preventative clinical services; community based research with third sector expertise, equality training focusing on access barriers



Telephone 01414237095

Work towards the promotion of healthier eating and living. Practical and sustainable food-related projects, like cookery courses, the sale of affordable fresh fruits and vegetables in 10 community venues. Support to individuals’ production. Twitter NGCFI: @NGCFI - Twitter Royston: @NGCFI_Royston



Telephone 01415582500

Production of leaflets and factsheets for the public explaining their health rights within the NHS in Scotland. Translation into several languages according to need.



Telephone 0800224488

Promotion of cultural and religious training, developmental provisions and initiatives to all employees of Police Scotland and members of the diverse Muslim communities, with a particular attention to addressing Islamophobia,intolerance, and discrimination. and promoting a more positive image of Islam and the Muslim community.



Representative body of all the Jewish communities in Scotland. Promotion of public understanding about the Jewish religion, culture and community, good relations and understanding among community groups and equality. Information and assistance to educational, health and welfare organisations, promotion . Facebook: SCoJeC - Twitter: SCoJeC



Telephone 01416386411

The Council fosters good relations between the Jewish Community and others, manages the Jewish Community Centre and provides a democratic forum for the synagogues and the welfare, educational, social and cultural organisations in the Community. Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 9.00am-3.00pm, Friday: 9.00am-1pm


Telephone 01415778200

Economic Development Activity delivered on behalf of the City: employability Services, including a Roma Project advocacting for access to services, providing training and employment opportunities. This involves asserting and securing their rights;  understanding procedures and policies; playing more active role in the community and progressing toward employment.



Telephone 03001232898

Objective: to arrange work shadowing and work experience placements for asylum seekers and refugees across all industry and business sectors, by matching the skills of clients with the skills of employees of Scottish businesses and organisations. By appointment only Mon - Fri 9-5pm (closed for lunch 1-2pm)



Telephone 01415589749

College offering education as a key for tackling poverty and inequality. We welcome learners from our BME communites and strive to provide them with the best support and education that will help them to be fully part of their communities and ours.
Facebook: glasgowkelvincollege
Twitter: @GKCollege
Direct College No: 01416305000
Direct Extension No: 01416305093


Telephone 01416305093

Scottish Indian Mahila Cultural Centre

Meetings once a week on Tuesdays, 11am-2:30pm. Discussion groups and cultural events aimed at supporting Indian women in areas of work, health, eduction, etc.



Telephone 01415761716

Support to migrants’ integration, creation of links and friendship between Scotland and Russia. Promotion of the Russian culture. Principal activities: The running of a Russian school for children; English and Russian language courses; library services; social research; training and advice to service users regarding employment.



Telephone 01415522144

North Glasgow Integration Network

A network of voluntary and statutory organisations, community groups and individuals assisting asylum seekers, refugees, BME communities and other migrants to access relevant services, information and advice and to feel welcome in their new communities. Additionnal activites include ESOL classes and regular network meetings.



Telephone 01415720984

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