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We have set up a collection point at Eastwood for a recently established Destitute Food Programme and would appreciate donations of non-perishable foods such as tuna, rice, pasta, lentils, tinned tomatoes, tinned corned beef, tea, coffee, UHT milk and cereal. Cleaning materials, soap, toilet rolls, washing powder and personal hygiene products are also needed. Please place all donations in the box located at the front door of the church.

The purpose of the initiative is to provide food hampers to the increasing numbers of destitute homeless in our city.


Crossroads Youth and Community Association carries out a range of community and youth work initiatives across the Govanhill and Gorbals areas of South Glasgow. The Community Work Team works with people in Govanhill and the surrounding areas to address social exclusion, reduce marginalisation, tackle the root causes of poverty, promote integration and support community cohesion. We do this in a number of ways - we provide intensive one-to-one support to individuals, we run a number of groups on a weekly basis, we operate a streetwork and outreach initiative, we carry out cultural awareness and migration awareness work in schools, and we host and participate in a number of community events throughout the year.



Telephone 01414238093

Our organisation aims to improve the quality of life of Chinese people in Glasgow. We provide information, advice and assistance to our members to effectively access the mainstream services. We organise trainings, talks and conference to build and develop people’s skill, knowledge and confidence. We co-ordinate, liaise and assist the existing Chinese organisations to work together to further develop opportunities. We act as the central point of contact between the Chinese community and the wider community at large. Languages spoken include: Mandarin Cantonese
Opening times: Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm; Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm



Telephone 01413410026

Andalus is a grassroots community based initiative, conducting a variety of activities to meet the needs and aspirations of Scottish Muslims, mainly comprised of people from the Pakistani ethnic group but also includes participants from other minority groups, as well as people from the wider Scottish community. We are currently conducting and developing educational and recreational activities to meet the needs of adults, promoting full participation of women, and much needed services for children in a positive learning environment. We are working towards breaking barriers and community integration by promoting understanding and sharing the rich and diverse Muslim cultural tradition without losing our Scottish roots.


Telephone 01413320225

Barnardo’s Apna offers a wide range of support to Black Minority Ethnic (BME) families who have a child or young person with a learning or physical disability living in any part of Glasgow. We do this by improving the access local BME community currently have to existing services in the city. This is instrumental in changing existing provision and creating new ones which are responsive to cultural needs. Apna is the only service of its kind in the whole of Scotland, and it offers a lifeline to the local BME community. The project tackles all the disadvantages faced by families who have a child or young person with a disability and enables local BME children to play a fuller part in the local community and in leisure activities.



Telephone 01414239225

A national intermediary organisation committed to serving the needs of Ethnic Minority communities in Scotland through a programme of social regeneration designed to enable the Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector to become self sufficient and sustainable in the long term. Our current programmes include: Delivering capacity skills training to staff, volunteers and management committees members of the ethnic minority voluntary sector Developing and supporting in partnership with Glasgow Anti-Racist Alliance, a “Black Managers Network” for addressing Race Equality in Scotland Delivering a social enterprise and social economy capacity building programme to ethnic minority voluntary organisations and community groups Working in partnership with Statutory, public and Voluntary Sector Organisations in tackling inequalities within Scotland Undertaking research to influence social policy and decision making Processes


Telephone 01412484830

Document is the only dedicated international human rights documentary film festival in Scotland. Held annually in October, we’re a grassroots initiative that aims to use film as an advocacy tool to raise the profile and promote debate of human rights & social issues across the globe.

The festival provides a unique platform that attracts Scottish, UK and international documentary filmmakers and promotes local and international discussion, cultural exchange and education. We screen a large and diverse selection of human rights films that are rarely shown in the UK to offer a broader understanding of issues often ignored by the mainstream media.


Telephone 014133297752

We run free intensive filmmaking courses for women of colour (trans welcome) and hold free film screenings of films by or about people of colour. Running over 2 months each participant produces their own short film that is then publicly screened. Camera work, editing etc. are integrated with empowering workshops e.g. self-defence, massage etc. We run GLITCH - a queer or LGBTIQ Film Festival that either programmes films directed by QTIPoC (Queer, Trans, Intersex People of Colour) or films featuring/documenting QTI people of colour by directors of any identity.  All films subtitled/live events BSL translated.


Telephone 01315576242

Based in Southside of Glasgow, Rickshaw is a A Specialised DWP welfare rights benefit Service for the Minority Communities. A lack of understanding about their culture, along with language barriers, can prevent those with the problem and their families from seeking help from traditional sources such as the CAB.  We offer the following services:
  Check what DWP benefits or tax credits people may be entitled to
  Assist with complex benefit application forms
  Advise and represent on all aspects of social security law, including entitlement to benefits, backdating, suspensions and overpayments
  Provide advocacy and representation before social security appeal Tribunals
  Assist with Housing & Council Tax Relief, Fuel & Food Poverty



Telephone 01412584848

The aim of the organisation is to promote economic integration of ethnic minorities and new migrants in West Dunbartonshire and surrounding areas. Main activities include:
  - A weekly information and advice drop in service
  - Youth activities (arts, sports)
  -  Workshops and training on different topics (English classes, IT Classes, sewing sessions, etc..)
  - Regular multicultural events



Telephone 01415337070

Drumchapel Law & Money Advice Centre offers services to people living in the West Glasgow Area. It aims to promote social justice and address the problems of economic, financial and social exclusion facing people living in West Glasgow through the provision of comprehensive quality community legal services, money advice and advocacy support.

Advice and representation in housing, employment, debt, benefits entitlments, legal representation and other legal issues.

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm - Closed between 1pm and 2pm



Telephone 01419440507

Aims to increase equality of opportunity for ethnic minority people through improved access to services. Currently we can offer an interpretation and/or translation service in through 24 hour answering service)



Telephone 01592261900

Aims to promote racial harmony, equality and diversity through the promotion of, and by encouraging participation in, integration and orientation activities for Arabic and host communities in Fife and elsewhere in Scotland. The advancement of education through the support, promotion, encouragement or provision of training and educational activities designed to develop individual skills, capabilities and understanding to enhance the employability of Arabic and other socially disadvantaged individuals. The provision and/or the organisation of recreational activities designed to improve the quality of life in the Arab and host communities in Fife and elsewhere in Scotland with particular emphasis in health, social and integration issues.



Telephone 01592267647

We run English classes for Adults who do not speak (read and write) English well enough to live/work etc in this country. We run classes for general English, English for Citizenship, SQA Accreditation, English for Parents of school age children and English for Work/Job Seeking. We also run family ESOL groups in local primary schools. All classes are based on the Social Practice Model and are adapted to meet the needs of the participants. Our aim is to promote integration and remove barriers to inclusion.


Telephone 01324503674

ACCF Aberdeen’s objects are: The advancement of the Christian religion, advancement of education and the relief of poverty and distress in the city of Aberdeen and the north-east of Scotland, the rest of the United Kingdom and overseas; and in furtherance of this by; a) Bringing Christians of all denominations together in fellowship to praise and worship God. b) Promoting opportunities for the study of the word of God and of other educational opportunities. c) Giving witness to the Lord by the giving of alms to the poor and needy. We meet every Saturday in St George’s Church in Aberdeen from 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Telephone 02380595200

Sikh Sanjog provides a range of quality opportunities for Sikh women and other Ethnic Minority women and their families in response to educational, recreational, cultural and social needs, recognising the potential for life-long learning, and social and economic inclusion. and supports individuals to access mainstream resources and services. We provide volunteering and sessional work opportunities in our Social Enterprise Community Café. We offer confidential holistic therapies to our service users
  The organisation promotes links between the Sikh and the indigenous community and local authorities.



Telephone 01315534737

Nari Kallyan Shangho (NKS) is a health and welfare organisation working for South Asian women and their families living in Edinburgh.
  The vision of the organisation is to improve the quality of life for South Asians and the mission is to provide a common platform for
  South Asian women to act collectively to raise health and welfare issues of relevance to them. The core values adopted by NKS are of equality, democracy and participation.



Telephone 01312211915

Scottish Migrants Network

A network of organisations, community groups and statutory bodies working nationally to focus on issues around migration specific to Scotland. The network will focus on vulnerable workers and seek to encompass all new migrants and migrant issues including: economic migrants (EU and others), asylum seekers/refugees and undocumented/irregular migrants. The network will have three strands of work focus: ,Information:  raising awareness of rights and migration issues; provide relevant up to date information, Supporting and Advocating: on improving rights related to migration in Scotland, Practice Sharing: to actively support and highlight initiatives to improve migrant workers rights and learning around migration projects and issues in Scotland.


Telephone 01413530440

Refugee Survival Trust exists to prevent the destitution of refugees and asylum seekers , giving small emergency grants and providing Access to Education and Employment Grants to support people to access education, training and work. All grants provided through partner organisations and we cannot accept direct applications. We do not take applications direct to RST.


Telephone 01312432660

ELREC exists to promote equality and to fight all forms of prejudice. We believe that no one can claim to live in a fair and just society whilst prejudice and inequalities exist. ELREC will work jointly with our beneficiaries and partners to challenge injustice and dismantle barriers which deny individuals and communities equal access to life opportunities in Edinburgh & Lothians. Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC), founded in 1971, is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity made up of individual members and representatives from a wide range of organisations. ELREC has a remit to work across the areas of City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian Councils.


Telephone 01315560441

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