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Holistic service in support of refugees into training, further education and employment and in doing so we help their successful settlement in local communities. The charity is divided into three main programmes - 1) BB Employment, 2) BB Employment Academy, and 3) BB English.


Telephone 07908801286

Holistic support for the rehabilitation of BME individuals dealing with incarceration in the UK. Practical support (admin, appointments, hearings), interpretation, mentoring/befriending, assistance on housing and benefits, education and training, family support, signposting to specialist agencies. Support during transition back into the community, on returns and resettlement, and through detention.


Telephone 02076974120


Telephone 02074822903

National membership body Law Centres (law practices, independent local charities). Law Centres target their free services at the most disadvantaged people in their communities, specialised in social welfare law, seeking to alleviate poverty by tackling its root causes in disadvantage.


Telephone 02036371330

SOAS Detainee Support

Support to migrants in and outside detention centres, to reduce isolation, & empower detainees: visits based on specific needs/desires/circumstances, emotion support, help with finding a solicitor or medical expert, bring toiletries and other essential items. Campaign against immigration detention, alongside people in detention to resist deportations.


Homelessness charity aiming to get off the streets as quickly as possible and prevent rough sleeping Support services and activities directly on the streets and in our centre: Night Centre, Day Centre, Advice & Housing, Workspace (employment/training team) and Step Up (in-house client volunteering scheme).


Telephone 02077665556

Integrated Care Network

Multi-disciplinary support for homeless people: multi-disciplinary approach, intensive case management, care plan by multi-disciplinary team, including peer advocacy, and homeless GPs. Access to 4 hostel beds (male and female) to support specific health needs and prevent unplanned hospital admission (unaccessible if No Recourse to Public Funds).


Telephone 02074379360

Open-access, free Winter Nightshelters for the homeless between November and April. Local Connection or Recourse to public funds NOT required. Referrals via our website, calls or drop-ins. Casework at drop-in (advice and advocacy all year round) to people homeless or facing homelessness.


Telephone 02073514948

Winter night shelter providing emergency accommodation to around 80 people each year including asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. Guests work with the Welfare Team to secure available housing.  Jobs Club, Mentoring and Befriending Scheme, Home From Home (short-term hosting project for guests), food, showers and support for those in need.


Telephone 02072786267

Enfield and Haringey Homeless Respite Service: casework. Pathway Planning process: signposting for guests. Guests are people who suffer from homelessness including those with No Recourse to Public Funds. Overnight Respite between December and March/April:  evening meal, bed and breakfast, suitability assessment mandatory.


Our primary service is assisting immigration detainees who need medical reports or have medical issues in detention. Services include independent medical advice and assessment and provision of medico-legal reports for immigration detainees.


Telephone 02075617498

Advice and advocacy on benefits, housing, homelessness. Referrals from Food Bank & Community Kitchen. Courses for children/young people: cooking, horticulture, basic budgeting skills. Employability courses for unemployed adults related to the catering industry: cookery skills, work experience and literacy, numeracy and IT modules. Support for refugees and asylum seekers.


Telephone 02034411335

Established in 1954, our Society, has become a focal point for the Polish community in Glasgow. We are named after Poland’s great wartime leader, General Wladyslaw Sikorski and each year he is commemorated by our Society. The Polish priest of St Simon’s RC church is resident in our flats and we have several other rooms which are let to members of our Society.  We have a small library containing many Polish books. Members may borrow books on request and the library is usually open on a Sunday afternoon. Tel : 0141 339 1368 (Evenings except Tuesday) Opening times: Sunday 12 noon - 11pm Monday 7pm - 11pm Tuesday closed Wednesday 7pm - 11pm Thursday 5pm - 11pm Friday 5pm - 12 midnight Saturday 12 noon - 12 midnight



Telephone 01413391368

Provide advice, practical support and signposting to other services/agencies for Middle Eastern families in Glasgow. Examples of the types of support which are available include: Translation services; Settling in support for new arrivals to Scotland; Job search/CV preparation; Drop-in; Women’s drop-in; Social activities e.g. football Promote, and support, the integration of Middle Eastern communities into the wider Scottish way of life and raise awareness amongst Middle Eastern communities about the Scottish culture, language, history and traditions, and vice versa. Provide a mechanism to help build capacity in local communities and to support the development of social services to support vulnerable groups in the community. Opening times Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm



Telephone 01414298200

The objects of the Association are to promote the benefit of the Iranian Scottish Community living in Greater Glasgow irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or of political, religious or other opinions, by associating together the said community and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said community.



Hong Wo Tai Chi Association

The Association is established to promote, educate and enhance interest within the Chinese community and other communities to know and learn about Tai Chi Chuan and its benefits both for physical and mental well-being. , To offer the people within the Chinese community and other communities a mutual understanding and knowledge in the Tai Chi and others Chinese arts and cultures. To provide a safe environment for all association members to practice Tai Chi, subsequently cultivating physical and mental harmony. , To promote racial harmony between the Chinese community, the host community and other ethnic groups in Scotland.  Every Tuesday from 10:30am-12:00noon; Main Contact Ian Wai Yan Cheung - Chairman


Telephone 01417734262

The Albanian Scottish Association (AlbScott) aims to assist the integration process of Albanians living in Scotland by supporting their welfare, promoting and sharing their culture and fulfilling their aspirations by creating initiatives which promote educational opportunities, relieve poverty and improve their quality of life by bringing communities together At present AlbScott are running services for women and children, these are: ‘Mother Theresa’ Women’s Group * - Thursdays 12.30 2.30pm Garnethill Multicultural Centre 21 Rose Street, Glasgow *creche available and one-to-one English tuition; ‘Tiny Songbirds’ Early Years Music Classes Wednesday Mornings as follows: 9.45am-10.15am 10.30-11.15am Studio 2, City Halls, Albion Street entrance, Glasgow.


Telephone 01419469106

We support the economic and social integration of African and Caribbean (A&C) people through the development of an African and Caribbean Resource Centre at Osborne St, Merchant City. We offer office desk access, training, advice, information support; social enterprise; volunteering opportunities and capacity building support to over 40 A&CN member groups.



UNITY Family Services is Scotland’s first and only dedicated family guidance and support charity aimed specially at the Muslim community. UNITY provides solutions that go beyond marriage guidance, comprising marriage and family issues but at the same time respecting religious principles and practice. Tel. 07532 099 895 - mon (Lines open on Mondays only at 11am - 3pm) or email at Unity is currently running on extremely limited funds and at the moment can only offer a



Telephone 07532099895

GOSIP’s main aim is to prevent social exclusion by delivering an outreach service that encourages increased, effective communication with black and ethnic minority communities in the Govanhill area.
The services provided by GOSIP include developing race equality initiatives in line with Govanhill Housing Association’s Race Equality Plan and Internal Management Plan.
GOSIP also develops initiatives aimed at women and young people and supports a BME Resident’s Group. GOSIP holds outreach surgeries and conducts research into how the BME communities are affected by Below Tolerable Standard housing.
GOSIP provides a one-door-shop service to help local people access a range of services such as housing, education and employment.


Telephone 01416363636