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Govanhill Law Centre is a free and confidential legal resource for the Govanhill community. Our work is carried out by qualified solicitors, volunteers and a Slovakian speaking caseworker. We are a branch office of Govan Law Centre and we undertake expert legal advice and court/ tribunal representation on housing, employment, discrimination and education matters to clients living in Govanhill by way of appointment.

Our project assists Govanhill residents on legal matters such as housing, employment, discrimination and education law. One of our main aims is to enforce the rights of black and minority ethnic (BME) communities and in particular the Roma community.



Telephone 01414332665

The Wayside Day Centre provides an open access drop-in facility and a range of person-centred services to vulnerable adults (aged 16 and over and with no upper age limit) particularly those with experience of homelessness, poverty and/or social exclusion. The centre provides: Intervention services (advice, advocacy, referral, signposting and support with accommodation, addiction, benefits, budgeting, education, employment, health and offending); Skills Development & Learning (positive activity; educational classes; supported volunteering; coaching and mentoring; women’s support group); Outreach Services (Criminal Justice outreach; hostels outreach; furniture service); Basic services (cafe service; access to showers, clothing, sleeping bags, laundry); Health Services (Chiropody; Optician’s Service). Service users include refugees and asylum seekers.


Telephone 01412210169

Waverley Care African Health Project provides a number of services relating to HIV in Scotland including support to African individuals living with HIV and awareness raising amongst African communities. At Waverley Care we recognise that Africans affected by HIV and AIDS frequently have a range of needs, as well as cultural differences, which make their situation unique within Scotland. We provide support with the difficulties that many people face regarding their immigration status, housing, health, finance, training and employment. Training healthcare providers to be aware of the different needs of Africans is also core to Waverley Care’s work in this area.



Telephone 01413322520

Community development centre set up by local people for local people to help improve the quality of our life and our community. Drop-in and appointment based advice & support service on issues relating to asylum & refugee issues, welfare benefits, debt, housing, utility providers, employment, & education;
Activity & Events programme: Women’s Group,  Community Film-making group, Community Garden Project, Summer Hillwalking programme, ESOL Classes, Computer Classes, Community Events, Newsletter, Credit Union Service, Community Computer & office services, Meeting space
Provide a lead role in the West Integration Network; Contribute to the Violence Against Women Implementation Group; Contribute to the West & Central Voluntary Sector Network



Telephone 01419590129

Ishara supports deaf minority ethnic (ME) people in Scotland.  Ishara Support to Service Users: Information and Advice; Communication guidance for carers, communities and agencies; Cultural support. Ishara also supports agencies to support deaf ME people through capacity building training, community engagement opportunities and developing accessible resources about key issues and services.
Opening times: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Textphone 180020141 420 2171
Mobile SMS only - 07749 311524

Who funds your work? Scottish Government Equality Unit



Telephone 01414202819

We provide information, advice and support to people with epilepsy, their families, friends and carers. We have a Befriending Service, a Schools Project, run various sessions on Epilepsy Awareness, Memory, Confidence Building and First Aid as well as regular social groups for adults and events for children. We also provide training in Epilepsy Awareness and Rescue Medication to those with a personal or professional interest in epilepsy. Our Fieldwork Service also provides bilingual and culturally sensitive information and support to people affected by epilepsy within ethnic minority communities.



Telephone 01412484125

Services provided:

  - Establishing and running Mosques and Islamic Centres
  - Catering for the religious and social needs of the Muslim community
  - Running local Madaris (evening and weekend schools)
  - Social welfare
  - Relief work to alleviate sufferings throughout the world
  - Youth work having a network of Al-Farooq groups throughout the country
  - Organizing Muslim women
  - Dawah to community and society
  - Socio-political work (raising the voice of the oppressed people throughout the world)
  - Publications of newsletters, books, leaflets and pamphlets.
Opening times 12pm till Lat night



Telephone 01413311119

The aim of the Scottish Inter Faith Council is to raise awareness of the different faith communities and to promote mutual understanding and build good relations between persons of different religious faiths through dialogue and co-operation.
• We offer a neutral forum where representatives of faith communities can meet.
• We seek to advance the public knowledge of the different faith communities in Scotland.
• We encourage the formation of inter faith groups and assist and support them in their work.
• We facilitate dialogue between faith communities and statutory and voluntary bodies.
• We work with government and other bodies to ensure that they are aware of the interests of faith communities.



Telephone 01414206982

Our founding members’ vision was to create and run a Gurdwara strictly in accordance with the core principles of Sikhism. In achieving this vision we have made the following our mission:
  - to establish a centre of religious worship
  - to help those in need
  - to provide help and guidance to enable those who may have drifted away from the Sikh Panth, to return.
  - to provide a place for education for the community in spiritual, ethical and other Sikh morals.
  - to provide a space where the community can gather for wholesome social interaction
  - ultimately to promote the Sikh Religion, Sikh brotherhood and all aspects of Sikh culture including teaching language, music and philosophies of The Sikhs


Telephone 01412216698

Glasgow ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Forum was established in 1998 as a membership organisation. Its mission is to assist the integration, employability and personal development of asylum seekers, refugees, economic migrants and marginalised black and minority (BME) groups by developing their proficiency in English Language. In 2004 the Forum became incorporated and obtained charitable status.

Glasgow ESOL Forum is a registered SQA centre and ILA registered centre.


Telephone 01413331194

English for Academic Study (EAS) is part of the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Glasgow University. We are working on a project called ‘Widening Access to EAP’ ( courses in English for Academic Purposes) for refugees who wish to pick up the thread of their previous professional or academic careers. To refugees already accepted for study at Glasgow University we offer places on our 5-week summer intensive English course, and we liaise with FE and the Voluntary sector to identify other refugees who would be suitable for, and who would benefit from, joining the course, whether or not they have immediate plans for university study.


Telephone 01413303304

Turkish Ethnic Minority Centre

Turkish and Ethnic Minority Centre is a relatively new recognised Scottish charity. The centre is for Turkish & ethnic minority groups and individuals. TEMC aims to help ethnic minority communities who experience difficulty finding advice, information, translation and sign-posting. We aim to fight discrimination and promote the strengths of diversity within a multi-cultural Glasgow. We offer volunteering opportunities for anyone who wishes to help us.


Telephone 01415528461

Punjabi Sahit Sabha

- To Provide opportunities to the Punjabis living in Scotland in General & Glasgow in particular to learn about the richness of their literary and cultural heritage. - To strive for the preservation & promotion of the authentic nature of the Punjab culture and provide advice in this area. - To promote friendship and goodwill between people of different cultural backgrounds


Telephone 01418832020

Our vision is inspired by the values and wealth of experience a Centre of Excellence for African arts is capable of creating in the lives of people who live in or visit Scotland.
We see our work contributing value to knowledge and education, social life, the economy, individual wealth, health and wellbeing, of people in Scotland the UK and elsewhere in the world especially in Africa and its Diaspora. We can contribute to creating opportunities and the best environment for children and young people to excel and grow into active, creative, confident, resilient and responsible adults who contribute to the enrichment of an already diverse Scottish Culture.
Glasgow 2014 has been a rare opportunity to fulfill our mission and work towards realising a part of our vision within the context of the Commonwealth Games cultural festival and its cultural legacy ambitions


Telephone 01412461180

Social events and other services for Irish immigrants, and their families. Making available information on Irish language and culture to the public Irish language classes for families of immigrants, and other interested parties; Languages spoken include Irish G’lic
Opening times - Contact udinr gregular office hours. Classes Monday , & Friday evenings



Telephone 01414339495

Organises year-round quality programmes reflecting all aspects of traditional Bengali culture and to organise social and recreational activities to enhance social cohesion and tackle individual isolation and loneliness by bringing people together who share a common interest in Bengali Performing Arts. To design, prepare, publish, distribute leaflets, posters, magazines and to create and maintain a database mailing list and a website are also part of our regular activities.



Telephone 01416397992

Cultural and educational activities


Telephone 07949769052

Pollokshields Development Agency was formally established in 1989 and operates as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status providing services in the south side of Glasgow. We have worked with and on behalf of diverse communities within Pollokshields for more than 25 years. Our priorities have always been identification of local needs and the provision of services to meet these needs. We deliver services directly to the communities and also work in partnership with other organisations to deliver specialist services which we cannot deliver with our current resources.

We run several projects also deliver services by partnership working. Our aim remains community regeneration, integration, and cohesion.


Telephone 01414294249

Minority Ethnic Residents Group

MERG is a Committee led residents group, which was set up to empower the Minority Ethnic residents and tenants of Govanhill. The key aim is participation around social issues affecting the area, such as: housing, anti-social behaviour, the environment etc. The group has been involved in various activities, including making short films about racism, organising outings and training, participating in consultations, focus groups and workshops - to name but a few! MERG is always seeking new Members, so if you are a resident or a tenant who is living in Govanhill and want to get involved, please contact us on: 0141 636 3628. Contact person is Amra Nazim. Languages spoken are: Punjabi, Urdu.


Telephone 01416363628

Glasgow Afghan United was established to support the Afghan community in Glasgow and to get them involved in all aspects of civic society.
Activities - We run a number of weekly activities, and are always looking to put on more! Here is a sample of what we are doing now:
  - Weekly Women’s Group
  - Football team meeting weekly
  - Football training meeting weekly
  - Cricket team meeting weekly
  Some other activities we are planning to start soon:
Weekly Children’s Cultural Classes
Community workshops with Police Scotland


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