
Aberdeenshire Council

The Aberdeenshire Council Refugee Resettlement Team provide support, training and guidance to families resettled via the Syrian Vulnerable Persons’ Relocation Scheme and the Vulnerable Persons’ Relocation Scheme (MENA)


Sports programmes (badminton, cricket, football, basketball) and life coaching for young people, mainly but not exclusively, from an Asian background. We also offer personal and Social development courses, employment and education opportunities, physical education programmes for adult. Opening times: evenings and week ends.



Telephone 07791896634

Amma Birth Companions is a Glasgow charity that was established in 2019.

We provide care information, and advocacy for women and birthing people who face pregnancy, birth and parenthood alone or against significant barriers. We offer pregnancy, birth and postnatal companionship, along with antenatal education and peer support activities.

Our clients include refugee and asylum-seeking women, survivors of human trafficking, and other individuals experiencing multiple disadvantages.

We aim to create a supportive environment where pregnant people and new parents feel seen, informed, and nurtured in all aspects of their birth and early parenting experiences.



Telephone 0141 471 9799

Barnardo’s Apna offers a wide range of support to Black Minority Ethnic (BME) families who have a child or young person with a learning or physical disability living in any part of Glasgow. We do this by improving the access local BME community currently have to existing services in the city. This is instrumental in changing existing provision and creating new ones which are responsive to cultural needs. Apna is the only service of its kind in the whole of Scotland, and it offers a lifeline to the local BME community. The project tackles all the disadvantages faced by families who have a child or young person with a disability and enables local BME children to play a fuller part in the local community and in leisure activities.



Telephone 01414239225

Partnership (Sacro, Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council, Multicultural Family Base). Support to all individuals and families experiencing difficult relationships with their community because of cultural/individual practices (dressing, marriage, education, children, honour). Free and confidential support: 1-1 practical and emotional support, family support, mediation, advocacy, restorative practices.


Telephone 01316227500

We are a small but proactive charity based in Evesham & covering Pershore & all surrounding villages. We support all those seeking sanctuary in our area. We have a small Support Hub where we distribute clothing, SIM cards & other goods, provide information & advice & refer on to other relevant agencies. We provide several different levels of ESOL weekly & also Maths lessons for those wanting to access further or higher education. We assist with obtaining volunteering opportunities & employment where that is allowed. We support people to obtain housing, claim benefits & access bank accounts once Leave to Remain is in place. We organise social activities & outings & support children & young people to access & progress in education.


LocationEvesham, Worcestershire

Telephone 07708 718938

Extern works alongside children, young people, and families facing challenges to empower positive change and support family unity. We support people who are homeless or facing homelessness, those dealing with mental health issues and the impact of suicide, people experiencing problem drug and alcohol use and people living with problem gambling.


Families Need Fathers Scotland provides information and support to parents and other family members who face problems in seeing their children after separation. Monthly support groups meet across Scotland. We believe children need both parents in their lives and promote shared parenting.


Telephone 01315572440

Respite Care Service (Family Based) and Respite Sitter Service (Home Based) in order to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of our clients, support families through difficulties and stressful times such as addiction, stress, crisis or isolation, ensure vulnerable children and young people feel supported and safe.


Telephone 01415732900

Support of vulnerable and disadvantaged adults and children. Specific workers to support asylum seekers and refugees. 1 to 1 support, English classes, ESOL tests, meals, community events and more to meet emotional, spiritual, physical and mental needs as we build relationships with individuals and families.


Telephone 01412212630

The main focus and ethos of our work is ‘putting young people first’ and valuing them as creative and positive members of the community. To help achieve this we have a skilled team of workers who engage with young people as individuals that have a valid contribution to make to the future betterment of the community they live in and not as an anti-social problem that has to be controlled or criminalised. To help us achieve this we engage young people using a variety of methods but always in a positive and creative environment.


Telephone 01414238793

Befriending support to families with young children in local communities across the whole of north Glasgow. We recruit and train volunteers willing to give up a few hours a week to provide support and friendship. Families can be referred by statutory and non-statutory services; self-referrals are also welcome.


Telephone 01419480441

Befriending upport to families with young children in local communities across the South of Glasgow. We recruit and train volunteers willing to give up a few hours a week to provide support and friendship. Families can be referred by statutory and non-statutory services; self-referrals are also welcome.



Telephone 01415708735

Maternity Action is the UK’s maternity rights charity dedicated to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of all pregnant women, new mothers and their families to employment, social security and health care.


Work with families, including new migrants and from BME communities, who are experiencing difficulties: housing, financial, personal like discrimination or emotional concerns. We offer therapeutic or social support. Also a social work teaching centre, which offer placements to students at Scottish universities. Opening times: Weekdays 9am-5pm



Telephone 01314677052

Freephone helpline for lone parents and agencies working with them on a range of issues: benefit/tax credit entitlement, housing options, childcare, maternity, child maintenance, legal issues, education, return to employment. We provide single fathers’ groups flexible childcare services, and family support.


Telephone 08088010323

Grant-making organisation, for prisoners of conscience and their families in the UK and overseas, offering hardship relief, bursaries for postgraduate study/requalification and for family reunion costs.  Many grants give practical help to destitute refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Through referrals only. Office is not open to the public.


Telephone 02074076644

organisation working to end destitution among migrant children. It works with families who have no recourse to public funds who are experiencing exceptional poverty to improve their access to local authority support



The Saffron Project provides Housing Support to young BME people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Support can be provided in their current tenancy or in Saffron temporary furnished flats.


Telephone 01414221112

We work with refugee and migrant families helping children, young people and parents to realise their rights and potential.


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