Advice & information
Destitution funds, support, general information, advocacy.
Telephone 01392682185
Self-help resources for Ukrainian refugees, from Positive Action in Housing
respectme works with adults across Scotland who have a role to play in the lives of children and young people. We provide anti-bullying policy and practice guidance and free adult training programmes to build capacity, confidence and competence to respond to bullying behaviour.
Telephone 01415301044
Based in Southside of Glasgow, Rickshaw is a A Specialised DWP welfare rights benefit Service for the Minority Communities. A lack of understanding about their culture, along with language barriers, can prevent those with the problem and their families from seeking help from traditional sources such as the CAB. We offer the following services:
Check what DWP benefits or tax credits people may be entitled to
Assist with complex benefit application forms
Advise and represent on all aspects of social security law, including entitlement to benefits, backdating, suspensions and overpayments
Provide advocacy and representation before social security appeal Tribunals
Assist with Housing & Council Tax Relief, Fuel & Food Poverty
Telephone 01412584848
Rossendale Refugee Support Group
We provide a weekly drop-in welcoming anyone who is a refugee or seeking asylum and who is living in or near Rossendale. The drop-in offers chance to meet others in a relaxed environment, to ask questions and seek support, to practise English and to hear about local events and offers.
Telephone 07930351270
Independent Advocacy safeguards people who are vulnerable and discriminated against or whom services find difficult to serve, by providing a strong national voice for independent advocacy organisations, supporting the growth of the existing organisations and encouraging their independence, and promoting the development of new ones.
Telephone 01315241975
A range of resources for asylum seekers, from Positive Action in Housing.
A range of resources for refugees, from Positive Action in Housing.
We provide specialist advice and support so that migrants in South West London can access justice, safety and opportunities.
At our vibrant community centre in Halifax, we welcome and support refugees and people seeking asylum.
Working across Calderdale, we give people the practical support they need to rebuild their lives with dignity, and we offer a range of activities that help them feel happier and more connected.
Together we are building a diverse community which challenges injustice and puts the needs and voices of our centre members at the heart of our work.
Telephone 01422 352492
Dozens of projects for the homeless. Outreach contract for rough sleepers for Westminster Council. Shifts on the streets to interact with rough sleepers and assist them into accommodation and provide full advice and casework support in the areas of alcohol/substances misuse, domestic violence, and immigration advice.
Telephone 02034892195
A voluntary organisation serving the minority ethnic communities in the West of Edinburgh. The organisation strives to eliminate racism in our society by working for and with those who are affected by racial discrimination. We offer One to one confidential advice and information, advocacy and support for people experiencing racial discrimination, abuse and/or harassment. Advice on welfare benefits, health, education, basic immigration, housing and employment. Any person living in the West of Edinburgh can access our services. Our primary aim is to provide a service to minority ethnic communities but anyone who thinks they may benefit, and supports our mission and values, can access our services. We are open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Telephone 01314422341
Support of adults with a disability. Work across all settings; community/care and hospital settings and HMP Barlinnie. Free and confidential issue-based advocacy services. Independent of social work, NHS and other agencies. Also 3rd Party Reporting Centre for Hate Crime. Business hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm.
Telephone 01414200916
We support separated asylum seeking and refugee young people aged 16-21 some of whom may be at risk of destitution. We provide case work, advice and advocacy support. We work in Greater London.
The Unity Centre gives practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland. We also support anyone detained in any UK detention centres.
Holistic service to multi-cultural communities, with Christian love & compassion. Information and advice drop-in, specialist surgeries, skills development groups (IT, job search, crafts, women English classes), cross-cultural awareness workshops, parenting & mother/carer pre-school groups. Opening times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - 9.30am-12.30pm and 1pm-4pm; Tuesday & Friday - 9.30am to 12.30pm
Telephone 01414244523
We offer free, confidential, and independent support to help you move beyond the impact of crime.
We offer practical and emotional support to asylum seekers and refugees in West Hertfordshire, offering befriending, advice, ESOL classes, food vouchers and other practical help.
Provision of free, confidential welfare rights and money advice, including information, advocacy, support and representation. Languages spoken by staff include: Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi. Opening hours: Mon to Fri 9am to 4.30pm.
Outreach surgeries available.
Telephone 01382431173
West Lothian Citizens Advice Bureau is here to offer free, impartial and confidential advice to West Lothian. We deliver support and guidance on a range of topics, giving people the information they need to deal with any situation and improve their lives.
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