We support people detained in Dungavel IRC and influence policy on detention
Information and advice to members on practical, societal and ethical issues relating to refugees and asylum seekers: humanitarian and advocacy efforts, integration projects, coordination of joint initiatives; challenge of rhetoric in politics and media, develop stronger ecumenical relations amongst churches, long-term strategy for the engagement of Scottish faith communities.
Telephone 07341478174
Independent organisation advocating for Palestinians’ rights to self-determination, the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, the Israeli withdrawal from all territories illegally occupied, including East Jerusalem, the development educational, social and cultural links between the Scottish and Palestinian peoples.
Telephone 01416378046
Shpresa Programme (Shpresa) is a charity that promotes the participation and contribution of Albanian-speaking refugees and migrants in the UK.
RAMFEL is a charity that supports vulnerable migrants to access justice and that provides vital support in moments of individual crisis.
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