Our vision is inspired by the values and wealth of experience a Centre of Excellence for African arts is capable of creating in the lives of people who live in or visit Scotland.
We see our work contributing value to knowledge and education, social life, the economy, individual wealth, health and wellbeing, of people in Scotland the UK and elsewhere in the world especially in Africa and its Diaspora. We can contribute to creating opportunities and the best environment for children and young people to excel and grow into active, creative, confident, resilient and responsible adults who contribute to the enrichment of an already diverse Scottish Culture.
Glasgow 2014 has been a rare opportunity to fulfill our mission and work towards realising a part of our vision within the context of the Commonwealth Games cultural festival and its cultural legacy ambitions
Telephone 01412461180
Helps Polish people in Aberdeen integrate, network, find new friends and get involved in local community life. The Association runs social and cultural events, educational activities. Opening times: Tuesday: 12:00 - 13:00; Friday: 18:00 - 19:30, Saturday: 10:00 - 11:30
Polish Cultural Festival Association is a non-profit organisation aiming to promote Polish culture in Scotland and support Polish-Scottish integration. The work of the organisation concentrates around organising the very first Polish Cultural Festival in Edinburgh. This festival has been programmed, fund-raised, organised and staffed entirely by a voluntary network of Polish people most of whom are under 30 and all of whom work full-time alongside these commitments. It’s taken a year of hard work and in making it to the finish line. The team consists of 17 committed individuals who each bring experience of managing large scale artistic events, short film festivals, performance events, visual arts projects, exhibitions, conferences.
Polish Philanthropic Society
The PPS is an independent, apolitical, self-regulating organisation, founded in order to serve the common good, ( primarily by supporting new migrants to Scotland, and helping them to integrate into the community), and also to serve Poland through patriotism and sound social, national practices. General Activities: Dissemination of education, running the Polish language school, mother and toddler group, and Polish section in the local library, co-operation with local & national organisations, organising meetings, celebrations, excursions (cultural and educational), representing the aims of members, interpreting and translating.
Telephone 01343550562
Our school has lessons in the Polish language, Polish history and geography for Polish children at the primary level. Children also have lessons in mathematics and art and music classes. In addition, we have additional English language classes for parents of our children and Polish language for Scottish Community and other nationalities. Classes at our school are held on Saturdays during the school year.; Scottish Charity No. 040642; Contact Zofia Strazek.
Telephone 077940299505
Punjabi Sahit Sabha
- To Provide opportunities to the Punjabis living in Scotland in General & Glasgow in particular to learn about the richness of their literary and cultural heritage. - To strive for the preservation & promotion of the authentic nature of the Punjab culture and provide advice in this area. - To promote friendship and goodwill between people of different cultural backgrounds
Telephone 01418832020
Support to migrants’ integration, creation of links and friendship between Scotland and Russia. Promotion of the Russian culture. Principal activities: The running of a Russian school for children; English and Russian language courses; library services; social research; training and advice to service users regarding employment.
Telephone 01415522144
The School of Polish language and Culture was establish in 2008 to support Polish immigrant families living in Scotland. Its main aims are to ensure that the children are aware of their Polish culture and lessons in Polish are delivered by a range of teaching staff. We also encourage Polish cultural events so that the pupil’s can take part in their national culture.
We are also very aware of the importance of social integration and we encourage activities with Scottish children e.g. football matches and outing with Scottish children.
We also help children to prepare for national examinations both Polish and in Scottish and we try to support Polish parents.
Telephone 01698230225
Scottish Indian Mahila Cultural Centre
Meetings once a week on Tuesdays, 11am-2:30pm. Discussion groups and cultural events aimed at supporting Indian women in areas of work, health, eduction, etc.
Telephone 01415761716
Provide advice, practical support and signposting to other services/agencies for Middle Eastern families in Glasgow. Examples of the types of support which are available include: Translation services; Settling in support for new arrivals to Scotland; Job search/CV preparation; Drop-in; Women’s drop-in; Social activities e.g. football Promote, and support, the integration of Middle Eastern communities into the wider Scottish way of life and raise awareness amongst Middle Eastern communities about the Scottish culture, language, history and traditions, and vice versa. Provide a mechanism to help build capacity in local communities and to support the development of social services to support vulnerable groups in the community. Opening times Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm
Telephone 01414298200
Providing economic, social and cultural partnership between the Romanian community in Scotland, Scottish and Romanian authorities. Information and support for people of Romanian origin towards their integration in the civil life. Promoting a positive image of Romania, including through arts and culture.
Telephone 01224311915
At our vibrant community centre in Halifax, we welcome and support refugees and people seeking asylum.
Working across Calderdale, we give people the practical support they need to rebuild their lives with dignity, and we offer a range of activities that help them feel happier and more connected.
Together we are building a diverse community which challenges injustice and puts the needs and voices of our centre members at the heart of our work.
Telephone 01422 352492
Swietlica (Edinburgh Polish Club)
Swietlica is a dynamic volunteer international collective and provides a range of free services to children and families in need as well as running regular language classes, cultural events, groupwork for children, arts and crafts and ethnographic, music and photography workshops as well as recreational activities for older citizens, advice and remote reporting.
Swietlica - Migrant Workers’ Community Drop-in based in Edinburgh supports newcomers who are having difficulties arising from lack of language or unfamiliarity with the culture.
Telephone 01315531074
Community based organization for Tanzanians and their Associates who live (or have been living) in Scotland, especially Edinburgh and its surrounding areas. The association’s mission is to become The Centre for Excellence as a community-based focal point for all Tanzania related interests in Scotland
Telephone 01315576331
Award-winning unique public greenspace for relaxation, and promoting understanding between people of all cultures, faiths and backgrounds. Place of learning and exchange ; a place where people can come together and share stories, skills and histories. Various events and activities.
Telephone 01414332722
Established in 1954, our Society, has become a focal point for the Polish community in Glasgow. We are named after Poland’s great wartime leader, General Wladyslaw Sikorski and each year he is commemorated by our Society. The Polish priest of St Simon’s RC church is resident in our flats and we have several other rooms which are let to members of our Society. We have a small library containing many Polish books. Members may borrow books on request and the library is usually open on a Sunday afternoon. Tel : 0141 339 1368 (Evenings except Tuesday) Opening times: Sunday 12 noon - 11pm Monday 7pm - 11pm Tuesday closed Wednesday 7pm - 11pm Thursday 5pm - 11pm Friday 5pm - 12 midnight Saturday 12 noon - 12 midnight
Telephone 01413391368
Turkish Ethnic Minority Centre
Turkish and Ethnic Minority Centre is a relatively new recognised Scottish charity. The centre is for Turkish & ethnic minority groups and individuals. TEMC aims to help ethnic minority communities who experience difficulty finding advice, information, translation and sign-posting. We aim to fight discrimination and promote the strengths of diversity within a multi-cultural Glasgow. We offer volunteering opportunities for anyone who wishes to help us.
Telephone 01415528461
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