Advice & information

Forth Valley Migrant Support Network has been established to address the problems of disenfranchised migrants whose first language is not English. The organisation has been set up by volunteers involving different nationalities.  You do not have to be a migrant to access help. We would aid any elderly locals to our office needing face to face help with telephone or internet. We are currently focusing our work within the Falkirk area with Forth Valley Migrant Support Network being the only voluntary group in the area providing this unique service, presently three days per week.


Telephone 01324489990

OISC registered (Level 1) for immigration advice, provided at an immigration clinic every Monday afternoon by appointment only. Training and mentoring of volunteers from BME communities, including refugees and asylum seekers to become volunteer advisers in the CAB. Outreach advice clinics in partnership with other Equality Organisations.

Appointment: 07551904892



Telephone 01415765103

We aim to bring together researchers and practitioners, NGOs and policy makers working with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland, through support to interdisciplinary research collaboration, interdisciplinary teaching in human rights, knowledge exchange and capacity building. Facebook: GRAMNet – Twitter: GRAM_Net


Telephone 01413301989

We support refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants in need through the provision of free advice on immigration, welfare and health.


Haringey Migrant Support Centre (HMSC) aims to to identify and improve the legal position and personal well-being of migrants. HMSC runs weekly services for migrants, regardless of background, providing free advice and casework on immigration, welfare, housing and community care.


A range of resources to empower those dealing with homelessness and housing issues, from Positive Action in Housing

The aim of the organisation is to promote economic integration of ethnic minorities and new migrants in West Dunbartonshire and surrounding areas. Main activities include:
  - A weekly information and advice drop in service
  - Youth activities (arts, sports)
  -  Workshops and training on different topics (English classes, IT Classes, sewing sessions, etc..)
  - Regular multicultural events



Telephone 01415337070

We advise on critical immigration cases, prevent homelessness, improve wellbeing, meet basic needs and campaign for change.


Support to social inclusion, communities’ integration, race equality and equal opportunity the removal of barriers to DAGCAS’ services, engagement and awareness activities with minority communities, translation and interpretation service, representations at courts and tribunals, and improved understanding of workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities.



Telephone 03003034321

Guidance, free advice and support to people from Ethnic Minority communities on housing/homelessness, benefits, rights and entitlement, money and debt related issues. Support is additionally offered to support clients in completing formal appeals and liaising with external agencies. Language Support is also available.


Telephone 01224423118

Self-help resources including information on Aspen Cards and opening a bank account, from Positive Action in Housing

Comprehensive debt counselling and money advice service (income maximisation for welfare and in-work benefits including tribunal representation, debt issues and financial capability e.g. budgeting advice etc, and energy awareness); Assistance to other advice giving agencies in Glasgow in their attempts to relieve poverty.



Telephone 01414455221

Motherwell & Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau is a voluntary, confidential, independent and free community service dedicated to helping local people to find solutions to problems. The bureau offers information and advice on a wide range of subjects including housing problems, debt, employment problem, social security benefits claims and appeals, consumer rights etc Our work is underpinned by our core Aims and Principles: To provide the advice people need for the problems they face. To improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.



Telephone 01698265349

Links to information for those with no recourse to public funds, from Positive Action in Housing

Information and advice on issues such as : Immigration, Health, Social Benefits, Employment, Education and Housing. We can complete or assist in filling forms such as: Immigration, Benefits, Pakistani Id card, Passport as well as attestation of documants and translation. Opening hours: Mon-Thur 10.30-2.30pm. Immigration Surgery every second Tuesday.



Telephone 01316629446

Free, confidential, impartial and independent information, advice and assistance on a wide range of enquiry areas (benefits, Money Advice, housing, employment) in our office and an outreach advice service. Opening times: Monday - Friday, 10am - 12 noon drop in, 1pm - 4pm appointments.



Telephone 01738450580

Tailor-made, personal support to almost 1000 people from ethnic minority communities per year in a large number of areas: education, training, benefits, money problems, housing, immigration issues, health & care, Third Sector support and development, etc. Facebook: Minority Communities Hub - Twitter: PKAVScharity



Telephone 01738567076

Scottish-wide BME and refugee-led charity offering advice, information and support to new migrants, refugees and minority ethnic communities facing poverty, homelessness, racism or poor housing. We also support human rights and anti-racist campaigns. We offer training, consultancy and best practice guidance to Registered Social Landlords, local authorities, NGOs and minority groups.



Telephone 01413532220

We give advice, provide support, and campaign so that migrants and refugees in the UK can live with safety, dignity and respect.


We are working towards a world where all refugee and asylum-seeking children and young people can access education, thrive in education, and use that education to create a hopeful, brighter future. Project activities include: 1) Support in accessing schools, further education and higher education; 2) Educational mentoring; 3) Wellbeing support; and 4) Workshops for practitioners and young people on how to access and thrive in education. We work with individuals from 14-25 across London, West Midlands and Oxford, and offer training and workshops across the UK.



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